Here are 20 apps ready to go for the new iPad
Apple's new iPad arrives in stores tomorrow (which has already happened in parts of the world), but app makers are still preparing their applications for the new device.We've just got a full list of the apps that are all ready to go (not including Apple's own apps), along with a list of apps that should be going live later today with Retina Display-ready updates:(Each app links directly to its page on iTunes)• Amazon Kindle• Barefoot World Atlas•Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy•Tweetbot for iPad• Flight Control Rocket• Solar Walk• NYTimes for iPad• SketchBook Pro for iPad• StockTouch• Martha Stewart Cookies• Evernote• Day One•Incredibooth• Joining Hands• Star Walk for iPad• Diamond Dash• iStopMotion for iPad• Labyrinth 2 HD• Calcbot• Foosball HD Apps that should be getting updates later today include Facebook, Flipboard, The Daily and Wired. Several high profile games also due for an update are Real Racing 2 HD, Flight Control Rocket, and Mass Effect 3 Infiltrator. ABC is updating its ABC Player app, Roambi's Flow and Analytics apps are getting tweaked, as are MLS Matchplay and Sesame Street's Another Monster At the End of This Book app. Developers have had just under a week and a half to prep their software for the new hardware. Among this list, Autodesk, Namco and Epic (makers of Infinity Blade) all had an extra week to prepare demos for the unveiling event. Hands on Apple's new iPad (photos)See full gallery1 - 4 / 23NextPrev